Hi Penny! I was so inspired by Alice in Knittingland's blog to start with - https://aliceinknittingland.wordpress.com/ because a couple of years ago, she made a jumper called the jumper of random stripes (or something similar). If you have a look at the early months of the blog, she goes through how she made various jumpers bottom-up.... and that's what started me off! So - I got some super long circulars, some super chunky yarn, and then cast on stitches for the bottom - I suppose you could be scientific and measure in inches, then times by stitches per inch - then knitted a deep moss stitch band, then knitted straight - then when I got to above the waist line, I decreased evenly around to come into an empire shaped bust - stopped under the arms. Then did the same on separate needles for sleeves - and then, attached the sleeves to the body - and started raglan shaping up to the neckline. This is where I wish I had been more scientific because I ended up with a very deep shape - .

Created by: Merion W

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