Emma's Christmas Present

Created by: Rachel P

  • Project Details




    Started on: Oct 21, 2018 Finished on: Dec 9, 2018
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    • Heather B

      Hi there, I am also knitting this jersey (the smallest size for my 12 year old). It seems really narrow, the pattern says it should measure 90cm at the waist, I have the correct tension etc and the sleeves have knitted up fine, but worried about the back because it looks small. Has anyone else had this issue?
    • Hana U

      I am currently knitting this sweater. Can anyone help me? I am about to start the front and I do not understand the pattern statement@ work as given for back until 16 rows less have been worked than on back to beginning of shoulder shaping. Does that mean work 16 rows less before shaping armholes? In which section do I knit less rows?
      • Rachel P

        Hi, I think it means to knit as per the pattern including the arm holes, then 16 rows less than the back you start shaping the neck. This means it’s lower on the front.
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