Like you, I hate picking up stitches but you gotta do what ya gotta do, and hope for the best. I knitted some wonky looking articles for Penny!!! The dungarees I was so proud of we’re so baggy in the bottom region she could have worn four terry nappies on top of one another! But my daughter loved them and Quinn got them passed to her. It’s the love you make them with that’s important. Still plodding through the stitching up with the comforter but I’ll put it up ASAP. Paddy’s dad is, as I type, inventing a time machine so he can go back and get Paddy his dinosaur, just a wee one, mind. Paddy wants a triceratops or a stegosaurus! Like they can fit that in their flat. Lol.

Created by: Hazel H

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